
守信如金, 为业载道




守信如金, 为业载道

双语新闻 | 金道所成功举办“中国企业投资英国公司尽调要点及争议解决实务”分享会


2019年10月14日下午,“中国企业投资英国公司尽调要点及争议解决实务”分享会在金道律师事务所举行,英国百年律所Clarke Willmott LLP的三位合伙人应邀就中国企业并购英国公司(包括科技型公司)项目的尽职调查要点,如何解决尽调中发现的问题以及发生争议后在英国进行商业诉讼的实务进行了分享。本次分享会由金道所管理合伙人兼跨境投资贸易与合规团队负责人崔海燕律师主持。

On the afternoon of October 14, 2019, a seminar on due diligence in UK M&A and English litigation process was held at Zhejiang Brighteous Law Firm. Three partners of Clarke Willmott LLP, a British law firm with a history of over 100 years, were invited to share their perspectives on due diligence in M&A (including due diligence on acquiring technology businesses) and English commercial litigation process with respect to Chinese investment in the UK. The seminar was hosted by Lawyer Haiyan Cui, managing partner and head of the Cross-border Investment, Trade and Compliance Team of Zhejiang Brighteous Law Firm.

Clarke Willmott 律所管理合伙人、中国业务部负责人Simon Thomas先生首先结合案例分享了并购英国公司项目的尽职调查,具体包括如何开展尽职调查、尽调中常见的问题或陷阱、如何处理这些常见问题等实务性问题。

Mr. Simon Thomas, managing partner of Clarke Willmott LLP and head of the China Desk, lectured in combination with case study on the key points in the general due diligence in UK M&A, including such practical issues as how to deal with due diligence in the UK, what the commonly encountered problems or pitfalls are and how to deal with them.

接下来,Clarke Willmott律所知识产权和信息技术领域的合伙人Susan Hall女士就技术转让——并购科技型公司的尽职调查进行分享,内容涉及技术转移的模式、针对科技型目标公司尽职调查的要点、登记权利(包括专利、商标和注册外观设计等)、非登记权利(包括著作权、非注册外观设计等)和许可模式进行技术转让的注意要点等。

Mrs. Susan Hall, partner of Clarke Willmott LLP specializing in intellectual property and information and communications technology, gave a presentation on the technology transfer due diligence when acquiring technological companies, covering models for technology transfer, due diligence on technology targets, registered rights (including patents, trademarks and registered designs), unregistered rights (including copyrights and unregistered designs) and key points for technology transfer in licensing model.

最后,Clarke Willmott律所合伙人Alex Jakubowski先生就在英国进行商业诉讼的实务进行了讲解,内容涉及英国司法环境、诉前行为规则、诉讼规则、证据形式、诉讼成本以及上诉等实务问题。

Mr. Alex Jakubowski, partner of Clarke Willmott LLP, shared his knowledge on commercial litigation process in the UK, covering such practical issues as the judicial environment in England and Wales, pre-action conduct, litigation rules, forms of evidence, litigation costs and appeal procedure in the UK.


During the seminar, Lawyer Haiyan Cui raised some questions and exchanged views with the speakers. After the sharing, Ms. Cui briefly summarized the main points of the speeches and emphasized the importance of conducting proper due diligence in acquiring English businesses, particularly technological companies, for which a professional and specific due diligence in M&A is of vital importance. The attendees also made further discussions and interactions with the speakers on some specific issues of their concern. This seminar was acclaimed as a practical guidance for conducting due diligence in M&A and English litigation in the UK.